Moroccan touristic transport. Circuits, excursions, transfers
Moroccan touristic transport. Circuits, excursions, transfers
Detailed estimates with everything included in our prices will be available to you on request for all transfers according to distances covered and for day-trips departing from Marrakech or Ouarzazate.
The hiring rate for a round trip of a chauffeur driven 4WD and including diesel oil varies from 130 to 150€ per day, inclusive of tax.
Half Day trip and Day trip prices range from 80 € to 130 €, inclusive of tax.
For all round trips or itineraries of your own choice you will be given a tailor-made estimate (all-in price or half-board) according to the number of travellers (special rate for children) and the chosen dates. Departures from : Marrakech, Ouarzazate, Agadir, Fès, Essaouira or Casablanca
For your information : with a private guide-driven 4WD, full-board and planned visits – drinks and tips not included :
Everything ‘s possible ! Do not hesitate to contact us